Ichthyobodo necatrix (Costia) - Koi Parasite

This is a microscopic protozoan parasite. Ichthyobodo necatrix also known as Costia.
Costia causes great harm and will even kill a Koi fish if left unchecked. Costia is the smallest parasites that attack Koi and the hardest parasite to see. Life cycle of Costia is very short and still be active in cold water. On the microscope slide look for a group of swarming commas. Costia can cause a secondary infection, like Aeromonas.

New KOI Fish Quarantine

Koi fish that newly bought may be still carry parasites, fungus , bacteria etc. even though your koi dealer did eliminated these. Or if kois are shipped in a box, kois are usually extremely exhausted and stressed. To recover koi fish condition quickly, it is important to provide koi in a nice surrounding. The best way to decrease the risk of disease before introducing them to your main pond is keeping and treating new koi in the separate quarantine tank for 21 days. In addition this will give a new Koi to rest.

Before receive a Koi, prepare a separate tank or tub for place a koi to rest. Use fresh dechlorinated water, the better water is from the existing pond, 100-300 gallon tank will do, or it depends on the Koi size. Give the filtration system for the tank, if do not have a filtration system, give aeration by air pump. Add salt to water until 0.3% concentration (3 lb salt per 100 gallon water). Keep the water temperature at 72 F or more.

When receive Koi, first time check Koi condition. If Koi look OK, float the bag that use to carry Koi for 15-30 min in the tank or tub prepared. It is for adjust water temperature. If Koi look very exhausted, leaning on one side, moving very little, lifeless release into the aeration water tank right away. After that, release only Koi into the quarantine tank, do not allow bagged water. If Koi looked extremely exhausted, as soon as possible open the bag and release them. Add anti-biotic in the quarantine tank such as Melafix. The tank must be covered entirely, because Koi tend to jump out to escape, especially when Koi encounter a totally new surrounding.

While keep Koi in quarantine tank, Observe Koi carefully for 14-21 days to see if the Koi develops any problems. Make partial water change every 2-3 days it's about 25%, if do not use the filtration system. Add salt and Melafix accordingly. Supaverm is recommended, after about three days Koi in tank. Feed Koi every day with digestible food but not too much. Ammonia and nitrite must be check every day.

If verything is oke during quarantine, then start introducing them to the main pond pond.

Ichthyophthirius multifilis (Ich, White Spot) - Koi Parasite

Ichthyophthirius multifilis also known as Ich or white spot disease. It's a parasite of koi fish. Ich probably the most well known koi fish parasite in the world. An Ich infestation is easily recognized by the tell tale white spots that appear all over a koi fish. The white spots look very similar to tiny salt granuals, peppered all over a Koi fish. Theront is the name for the white spots. It is called a Trophont, when the Theront detaches and sinks to the bottom of a pond or tank. That are called Tomites, when Trophont then seperates into hundreds of new parasites. The Tomites then look for a Koi attach to and repeat the life cycle. Like any other parasite, Ich can cause a secondary infection to koi fish like Aeromonas.

Argulus - Koi Parasite

Argulus is also known as fish liceLernea or fish louse. Argulus is a tiny parasite that posses a crustacean exoskeleton and visible to the Naked Eye. To attach to the skin of a Koifish Argulus used two large circular suckers. To poke a hole and feed on blood of koi fish, Argulus uses a spike. Argulus will lay several hundred eggs on solid surfaces like rock. The eggs have a gestation period of about a month.
To be able to see, Argulus take about a month and a half to grow out enough. Argulus will attack any fish or amphibians in the pond during this time. Like any other parasite, Argulus can cause a secondary infection like Aeromonas. Larger Argulus will use its spike to defend itself so be careful when holding a large Argulus.

Lernea (Anchor Worm) - Koi Parasite

Lernea is also known as anchor worm. It's a parasite of koi fish that visible to the Naked Eye. Lernea attaches itself to the skin of Koi fish. Because Lernea have a big size so you can see when Lernea attaching your Koi fish, Lernea looks like a small piece of black string coming out of an irritated patch of scales.

How to remove Lernea?
You need tweezers to remove Lernea, but be sure to disinfect the area that attaching by Lernea with iodine or potassium permanganate. Like any other parasite, Lernea can cause a secondary infection like Aeromonas. Lernea can lay hundreds of eggs, which take about two weeks to hatch in the summer.

Don't Over Feeding Your Koi

Over feeding koi fish make the koi pond will have an Ammonia spike and that could possibly hurt or kill the Koi fish. Over feeding make overload the biological filter, and can harm the Koi fish.

How many time feed the koi? Most people generally feed their Koi 2-5 times a day. We can feed them around 2-3 times a day or 3-5 times a day. Kois will even stay around the same size or grow slower if we feed around 2-3 times a day, and kois will reach their maximum size sooner or grow fast if we feed them around 3-5 times a day.

When feeding the Koi, we must attention to many factors :
1. What season

2. Size of Pond

3. Size of filter

4. Type of filter

5. How many Koi in the pond

Waste that they will excrete depending on how many feed your Koi, more feed is more waste. we'll need some way to remove the waste. install bottom drains and flow water into the filter is a good way to remove the koi fish waste. The filters must cleaned scheduled.

If we plan on feeding the koi a lot and growing them out, we'll need a big pond and we'll need a big filter. The grow out period of koi is in the Summertime. To boost their growth rates, we should feed the Koi a food that is high in protein during the summer. In a natural environment, a Koi will eat as much as it can during the summer in order build up fat to live off of in the winter when food in scarce.

Koi Food will have complete proteins and have stabilized Vitamin C is very good. Stabilized Vitamin C lasts for months before it breaks down, while regular Vitamin C has a maximum shelf life of 90 days.

KOI in Summer Tips

We must care to koi in summer, because the water more warmer temperatures and it's boost metabolism of koi and their immune system. we know summer is the sunniest and warmmest time in the year. The grow out period for Koi is in summer, A daythey'll easily eat 3-5 times . You just have to make sure that all of your Koi's waste must can handle by your filter , if your filter can't handle it, they will suffer from a buildup of ammonia and dissolved solids in the water. Your pond will probably end up looking like a bowl of split pea soup, if you don't have a sufficient size filter.
Your DO (dissolved Oxygen) level is one thing that you have to watch in the summer. in the warmer water, less oxygen can hold. Keep an adequate amount of aeration going in your pond at all times. It doesn't matter if it is an air pump and air stone, or a large waterfall. The minimum level that Koi need is 4 ppm (parts per million). 4 ppm is the minimum level, keep it in the mind, the DO level should always be well above that. To live, your Koi need oxygen .

70°F - 75°F is the ideal temperature for Koi in the summer. For them, this is the most comfortable temperature range . Watch out for those dog days. If you have a shallow pond, the water temperature could rise up to dangerous levels and your Koi could suffer. Provide some shade or some cover for your Koi, so your koi have a place to get out of the direct sunlight.
Koi eat bugs too. While they try to get insects that are near the water's surface, it is not uncommon to hear them splashing around at the surface at night . Your koi will grow very fast by eating bugs, along with their daily feedings and warm water temperatures.



The word budo means grape this refers to the pattern as well as the colour. This is a white koi fish with red (hi) pattern like a Kohaku. The black (sumi) on the Hi pattern gives it a purple appearance.


Goshiki means five colours, that mean that goshiki is koi fish wtih five colour they are red, white, blue, black and purple. There are many different styles of Goshiki, which can make it a difficult koi fish to identify.


This is a black koi fish with white along the shoulder and dorsal area, along the sides above the lateral line is blask too. The head of kumonryu must be white. The pattern of kumonryu may not be stable.

Proper Ways For Keeping Butterfly Koi

by: Burt Cotton

Are you wondering what a butterfly koi is? You try to ask the Japanese or Chinese people because they can surely give you an elaborate answer. Obviously, koi is unfamiliar term for most of you but if you will translate it into layman’s term, koi simply means carp. Butterfly koi is a kind of fish. The features are closely related to the goldfish that you have in your aquarium. The style of breeding and ornamentation are almost the same as goldfish. Butterfly koi originated from Japan and has been distributed worldwide. Many people became interested with butterfly koi because it features different colors that seem so attractive and appealing to the eyes. Colors vary from white, green, blue, black, and red. Aside form butterfly koi, there are other varieties of koi that can be bought from pet shops and aquarium stores. These are distinguished by coloration, patterning and escalation. The breeders also develop distinct versions of koi. These are koi with large scales and some do not have scale at all. Keeping a butterfly koi is not as complicated as you think. However, it is not the same as taking care of the typical fishes that swims in your ponds or in your aquariums. It takes a little effort from you if you want to sustain the growth of your Butterfly koi. Like the common carps these are also known for being resilient. Butterfly koi can just be placed anywhere or in any types of containers. These can be kept from small container to larger ponds. Here are some tips for you to consider for keeping Butterfly koi: •Traditional indoor aquarium is not preferable. Since it is a cold water fish, Butterfly koi desires water that is more than a meter in depth. During harsh winters, it can be placed in ponds but make sure that it is not to deep also because it can freeze underwater. •Keep an open space. It is a great idea that you should keep an open space to the area where you place Butterfly Koi so that they can have a proper place for breathing. •Put a horse trough heater if possible. This is helpful for considering the cold weather during winter season. Although Butterfly koi is a cold water fish, too much cold can be lethal for them. •Consider the bright color of the fish. It can be disadvantageous for the predators. •String nets above the surface of the pond can help. This is an effective way of preventing the Butterfly Koi from being exposed to unnecessary particles that could fall to their habitat. Wires will do if you do not have string nets. •The pond must have a pump and filtration system. These are used to keep the pond clean and a safe place to live in for the Butterfly Koi. Clear water is also needed for their growth. Some people believe that Butterfly Koi is a good luck for your business. This is also the reason why most of them keep it as their pet. Aside from the luck that it can bring you, it can also cause you peace of mind and therapeutic feeling by simply watching them swimming in ponds. Try having Butterfly Koi in your place.
About The Author
Burt Cotton http://www.about-koi.com

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